In the beloved Disney animated film "Lilo & Stitch," Disney's Lilo explains to her new friend that "ohana" means family. The sweet Hawaiian girl and adorable alien share exciting adventures on the island, quickly becoming best friends...and family. Now, you can experience an island adventure like no other with the Disney Lilo & Stitch Ohana Means Family Glitter Globe, licensed from Disney and available from The Bradford Exchange. Capturing both characters' loving personalities, this musical treasure is sure to make a delightful addition to your Disney decor!
Expertly handcrafted of artist's resin, this Disney collectible showcases fully sculpted figures of Disney's Lilo and Stich, meticulously hand-painted in vivid colors true to the film. Stitch is showcased surfing within a real glass globe - shaped like the "O" in "Ohana" - and with a gentle shake, glitter reminiscent of tiny water droplets swirls all around. The sculptural base recalls the touching words "Ohana means Family, Nobody gets left behind or Forgotten", along with raised relief, brightly painted hibiscus flowers and textured "sand." A fully dimensional palm tree seemingly sways in a warm breeze. And for the finishing touch, this glitter globe plays a melody from the movie with just the turn of a key - shaped like Disney's Pudge the fish, of course!
A fine collectible, not intended for children.
- Experience an island adventure like no other with the Disney Lilo & Stitch Ohana Means Family Glitter Globe, a design original from The Bradford Exchange
- Licensed from Disney
- Expertly handcrafted of artist's resin, this Disney collectible showcases fully sculpted figures of Disney's Lilo and Stich, meticulously hand-painted in vivid colors true to the film
- Stitch is showcased surfing within a real glass globe that represents the "O" in "Ohana"; with a gentle shake, glitter reminiscent of tiny water droplets swirls all around
- The sculptural base features the touching words "Ohana means Family, Nobody gets left behind or Forgotten", highlighted by raised-relief hibiscus flowers, textured "sand" and a fully dimensional palm tree
- Plays music! With the turn of a key shaped like Disney's Pudge the fish, this glitter globe plays a melody from the movie
- This musical treasure is sure to make a delightful addition to your Disney decor and a wonderful gift for any fan
- Edition limited to 295 casting days, so order now!
- Accompanied by a hand-numbered Certificate authenticating your glitter globe is an original from The Bradford Exchange
- Measures approximately 7-3/4" W x 5-1/2" H x 3-1/4" D; 19.7 cm W x 14 cm H x 8.3 cm D