When it premiered on December 6, 1964, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer®," the heartwarming story of a misfit reindeer with a glowing red nose, resonated with young and old alike. Now, you can celebrate this holiday classic with the Santa's Guiding Light Candle Set, exclusively from The Bradford Exchange. This enchanting Christmas candle set features two tapered flameless candles that illuminate with golden flickering "flames."
One candle features Rudolph®, with red nose glowing brightly, flying high around the candle while Clarice™ and a woodland friend watch from below, while the other candle showcases Santa and Hermey™. Each sculpture is meticulously handcrafted and hand-painted, from Rudolph's cheery expression to Santa's snowy white beard and the blanket of sparkling snow. Plus, convenient, built-in 24-hour timers control the lights. This festive and charming candle set is sure to provide a soft shimmer of candlelight to your Christmas decor.
Celebrate the beloved holiday TV classic "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer®" with the Santa's Guiding Light Candle Set, exclusively from The Bradford Exchange
Lights up! This enchanting Christmas candle set features two tapered flameless candles that illuminate with golden flickering "flames", and Rudolph®'s nose glows brightly
One candle features Rudolph flying high around the candle while Clarice™ and a woodland friend watch from below, while the other candle showcases Santa and Hermey™
Each sculpture is meticulously handcrafted and hand-painted, from Rudolph's cheery expression to Santa's snowy white beard and the blanket of sparkling snow
This festive and charming candle set is sure to provide a soft shimmer of candlelight to your Christmas decor
Convenient, built-in 24-hour timers control the lights
Requires 3 "AAA" batteries (not included)
Certificate of Authenticity
Measures 9" H; 22.9 cm H